Garden Organic
Green Waste Bins
The Garden Organic Green Waste Bins encourage and help residents dispose of their green waste.
All ACT residents can now sign up for a Green Waste Bin.
Click on the button above to register for a green waste service.
A one-off fee of $50 payable by credit card is required at the time of registering unless you hold one of these concession cards:
ACTION Gold Card
Department of Veterans Affairs Gold Card
Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card
MyWay Seniors Card
Department of Veterans Affairs Pension Card

Multi Unit Developments
If you live in a multi-unit development and want a green bin, please read the following eligibility information:
If you currently have individual mobile garbage bins for domestic waste and recycling services and store and present your own bin for collection, you may register for the service and receive one green waste bin.
This applies to both kerbside presentations and those residents who present inside the complex outside their own residences.
If you utilise a shared service (e.g. waste hopper) then the body corporate/strata manager will need to contact Access Canberra on 13 22 81 and enquire about the allocation for the complex you live in.
The allocation process will take into account various factors to ensure the right number of green waste bins are provided.
Bin deliveries
Your Garden Organic Green Waste Bin will be delivered at your residential address within five (5) working days of registering.
You may opt-out of the program at any time. We will then remove the bin from your residence. No refunds will be provided.
Bin Collection
Green waste bins will be collected on the same day as your recycling bin, but on the alternate week.
Your bin should be placed on the kerb before 7:00am of the collection day.
In order to service your bin effectively and safely, it must not be overfilled. The lid must close fully and the weight must not exceed 50kg
What can go in the green bin?
In the ACT, the following materials can be put in your green bin:
Grass clippings
Garden Prunings
What not to put in the green bin?
In the ACT, the following materials cannot be put in your green bin:
Food Waste
Paper and Cardboard
Plastic Bags
Stumps and Logs
Construction Materials
Processed Timber
Animal Waste
Sawdust and Ash
Plant Pots